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Hello DKV family and fans! Welcome to Designer Rottweiler (DR), the home of custom DKV Rottweilers merchandise! Throughout the years, Angel and I have received many requests for DKV merchandise, so we figured it was time to give our DKV families and fans what they have been asking for. 


A Little Bit About Us And Who We Are

We are Angel and Liz Gutierrez, owners of DKV Rottweilers. DKV's breeder, Angel, has been breeding Rottweilers professionally for nearly 28 years, but has loved the Rottweiler breed his entire life. With Angel's love for the breed, his highly selective breeding standards, his impressive training abilities, and his natural ability to interact with people, Angel has grown DKV Rottweilers to the highly respected kennel it is today. Even though I love our Rottweilers very much, my true passion has always been with creating and design in general. Whether it's drawing, painting, pottery, website design, or creating new inventions, my mind is most happy when I can bring a creative idea to life through design. That being said, I am the person behind the scenes who does all of the office, online, advertising, and design aspects of our business. I believe it is our combined love and dedication to our personal crafts and abilities, that have elevated DKV Rottweilers from a kennel to a BRAND.

DKV Rottweilers is "technically" our business, but we feel it's more accurately described as our "way of life." After all, we live and breathe everything "Rottweiler" from the moment we wake up until we go back to bed. However, we do have offspring of our own who do not have four legs or covered with black and brown hair. Well... maybe yes to the hair. Angel and I have three adult sons, who have been raised with Rottweilers since birth. It's accurate to say our DKV family and fans have watched them grow up online. I believe their involvement has also helped elevate our DKV brand. Our sons have helped with the care of the Rottweilers throughout the years, they have kept me up to date with the newest online trends, and they allow us to fulfill our amazing "hand-deliver" promise to every DKV family. We are truly blessed to know something that may be so small to another, is truly our legacy, and one we are extremely proud of.

What Is Designer Rottweiler

I built this 'Designer Rottweiler' website for the sole purpose of having a separate page to display our DKV Rottweilers merchandise. Please understand, 'Designer Rottweiler' is not a company, not a brand, not a clothing store, nor is it any other entity. It's simply a fun website, with a fun name, where I will display our DKV merchandise.


All of our DKV merchandise will be ordered from a third party design company, and then displayed on this 'Designer Rottweiler' website. Angel and I are very proud of our high quality DKV brand and we wanted to offer custom DKV merchandise that reflected that same elevated level of quality. Angel and I have sampled many clothing brands and selected to move forward with the brands we felt provided an elevated look and feel for our DKV merchandise. We have decided on Oakley as our primary brand for DKV t-shirts. However, we have selected a few limited designs with Adidas, Carhart, and Eddie Bauer products.

Custom Merch Without Custom Prices

All DKV merchandise is custom designed. Once new designs/merch are made, we purchase a small bulk order in advance. These items will then be offered to our DKV families and fans on our 'Designer Rottweiler' website for a donation cost. Our DKV merchandise "suggested" donation costs are determined by adding our purchase price for the brand named item, plus our designer's cost to personalize, plus the shipping cost from our designer to DKV Rottweilers, plus the shipping cost from DKV Rottweilers to our customer. Please understand we are not offering merchandise to make profit; we are simply asking for donations in the amount equal to our invested cost for each customized item. All donations will be reinvested to purchase more custom merchandise. We do plan to keep our designs new and evolving, offering different types of merchandise throughout the year. That being said, don't wait too long. Once an item is gone, we may not have it available again. 

Please understand, all of our DKV merchandise is custom made. Therefore, there are NO RETURNS and NO REFUNDS. All sales are final.


DKV Families And Designer Rottweilers

Our DKV merchandise represents our pride and love for what we do. We want our DKV family and fans to enjoy our DKV merchandise and to have fun with it. To be honest, I am most excited about our doggie merchandise. I can't wait to see photos of all our DKV "Designer Rottweilers" from around the world as they proudly strut their new DKV merchandise! Please, send photos so we can share your "Designer Rottweiler" on our "Gallery" page for our DKV family and fans to see!

We want to say THANK YOU to our DKV family and fans for requesting our branded merchandise and we hope you are pleased with the DKV merchandise we have displayed on 'Designer Rottweiler' thus far.  We are so grateful to have such loyal DKV family and fans, and we are so honored that you and your "Designer Rottweiler" will be wearing our DKV logo. Thank you and God bless.

Angel and Liz Gutierrez

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